Who is WiNS?

Welcome to the website of the Society of Women in Natural Sciences at ETH Zürich! WiNS was founded by Prof. Katherine Elvira, Dr. Daniela Paunescu-Bluhm (both ICB) and Dr. Jessica Schulz (IPW) in 2014 as the female association of the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (D-CHAB). We were joined by the Department of Biology (D-BIOL) in 2021 and the Department of Physics (D-PHYS) and Materials (D-MATL) in 2023. We represent all female members of the four departments and our mission is to support Women in Natural Sciences via engagement in career and personal development events, networking and leadership. Another core value of ours is to provide a platform to highlight all the female talent existing within industry & academia at all career stages.


We thank all our motivated and generous partners supporting us to strive towards an inclusive environment for all at ETH Zürich.

Academic Partners

Industrial Partners

Community Partners