We are dedicated to helping women in the scientific community, if there is any question or issue that you would like to discuss with WiNS, you can write an email to wins[at]chem.ethz.ch.

WiNS is proud to partner with the Helpdesk of D-CHAB and D-BIOL. Currently the helpdesks are operating only for PhDs and Postdocs of the respective departments. If you are a student that wants to reach out, please contact us directly.


You can find all infos about the D-CHAB Helpdesk here or contact their representatives which are listed below. 

 Hello, I am Andrea! It is very important to me to keep a sane work-life balance in such a demanding, time- and energy-consuming job like the doctorate. In my free-time I play volleyball, love hiking, riding my road bike, cross-country skiing and many more things related to nature. I am very happy to help with any challenges that you may encounter during your time here at D-CHAB.


E-Mail: andrea.eggeling@phys.chem.ethz.ch, Telegram: andrea_helpdesk 


Hi, I am Luca, from the help desk. I enjoy skiing, running and a sort of weird cross-section of sports. Besides, I am a go-to, ready to start something new kind of person which explains some of my recent cooking agendas (although the quality needs to be improved, I was told). In this spirit I believe we should not take ourselves too seriously. The doctorate can be stressful not only physically, but also mentally draining and can feel overwhelming and too much for one person, so I have found taking everything with a bit of humor helps. Aside from humor, it’s important that you don’t have to solve everything by yourself. You can always reach out to us. We are happy to support or help if you are struggling or even just to talk, so don’t be shy.

Email: luca.schlotheuber@pharma.ethz.ch, Telegram: luca_helpdesk


You can find all infos about the D-CHAB Helpdesk here or contact their representatives which are listed below. 


Find a list of all contacts here.

Here is a collection of helpful links:

Experiencing Harassment or Discrimination

You can submit a formal complaint to the Reporting Office Conflict Management at ETH Zürich

The Anonymous Padlet is a safe space for (female) doctoral students to share their stories about sexism, harassment and microaggression at the workplace.

Parenthood at ETH

Childcare Options

Informations about motherhood 

Motherhood/Fatherhood leave 

Conflict Resolution

The ombudspersons are a general contact point for conflicts that cannot be solved by direct communication and for reporting suspected illegal actions.

The confidants can help you with issues concerning research integrity and scientific misconduct such as authorship conflicts.