Dialogue with ETH Board
Yearly Dialogue Between Female PhD Students and ETH Board
Currently, we are in discussions to establish a yearly in-person dialogue between female PhD students and the ETH Zürich Board.

Apr 2024
Second Open Letter
With new measures introduced by ETH Zurich as a result of consistent advocacy from WiNS (and other associations), such as an anonymous reporting platform, we inquired on the effect that introducing such a platform has made. We emphasize the necessity for ETH Zurich to critically reassess their existing measures and address them more rigorously.

Mar 2023
Reply from ETH Board
The response from the ETH executive board was labeled as 'internal', therefore it is not documented on our website. In summary, they acknowledge the concerns raised about EDI issues. There will be a reassessment regarding the possibility of mandatory courses on sexual harassment and unconscious bias at ETH Zurich, and they demonstrate commitment to increasing the representation of women professors. However, detailed plans for addressing systemic issues and ensuring transparent communication about ongoing initiatives are still lacking.

Feb 2023
First Open Letter
As a direct consequence of the first meeting with the ETH board, the WiNS Politics Team was born. Its first course of action was to write an Open Letter, addressing many points still needed to bring about a cultural change to genuinely foster an inclusive environment for all scientists at ETH Zürich. Co-signed by six other organizations across seven departments, this letter represents the collective voice of over 1500 students and scientific staff at ETH Zurich.

Jan 2023
Female PhD Candidates meet ETH Board
Our sisters-in-action '500 Women Scientists' organized an event, where over 50 female doctoral students met with the ETH board (Prof. Joël Mesot, Dr. Julia Dannath and Prof. Günther Dissertori). Two WiNS members provided crucial testimonies on measures needed to improve inclusivity in the workplace.