WiNS General Assembly/Board Meeting
HCI J141WiNS General Assembly 15th June 2022 HCI J141 We are hosting an exceptional general assembly to incorporate the biology department
The Society for Women in Natural Sciences at ETH
Shaping an inclusive and diverse community at ETH Zurich
WiNS General Assembly 15th June 2022 HCI J141 We are hosting an exceptional general assembly to incorporate the biology department
Are you about to graduate from your BSc/MSc/PhD degree in Chemistry or Biology, but you are unsure what the next
Continue readingCareer Series: Life Science Strategy Consulting at KPMG
You are cordially invited to the SCNAT Platform Chemistry Ethics Series 2022 ETH Zurich workshop on responsible conduct of research on June 21,
Continue readingSCNAT Chemistry Ethics Series: Responsible Conduct of Research
Our next career series is here !! Join us on July 21st 2022 both in person at ETH Höngg HCI
Continue readingCareer series: Sustainability Manager at BASF
Our next career series is here! Are you about to graduate from your BSc/MSc/PhD degree in Chemistry or Biology, but
Continue readingCareer series: Management at ETH Entrepreneurship
How to Tackle Salary Questions When Joining Industry Do you already break out into a sweat when you hear the
Let's start together into the new semester! Meet WiNS and your fellow feminist students & colleagues and enjoy some Pizza
Are you about to graduate from your BSc/MSc/PhD degree in Chemistry, Biology or any other technical studies, but you are