Experiencing Harassment or Discrimination?
Seek Help and Feel Empowered
We are very sorry that you are experiencing this uncomfortable and unfair situation. Holding perpetrators accountable has remained a big challenge to this day. We understand that dealing and talking about these topics is difficult and that maybe the harassed would prefer to just forget the whole thing. We hope that these helping points can help you to hold the perpetrator accountable. In our experience, something that can be very empowering is reading inspiring books with strong female leads, so feel free to get inspired by our selection of good reads below!
Anonymous Padlet
500WS offers this anonymous padlet as a safe space for (female) doctoral students to share their stories about sexism, harassment, and microaggressions at the workplace. Put your experience out into the universe, 100% anonymously
Make A Formal Complaint Here
Persons affected by inappropriate behaviour can submit a written report to the Reporting Office Conflict Management at ETH Zürich. Every voice counts!
Helpdesk of D-BIOL and D-CHAB
The department counselling helpdesks can provide answers to all questions that are department specific. They aim to help you finding solutions in early stages of conflicts on academic, administrative or personal issues. They are happy to help answering any question you might have regarding rights and working condition regulation by ETH Zurich and/or Swiss government. They can provide you with information and refer you to the appropriate centres if more specialized help is needed. No action will be taken all along the process without your prior consent. They are here to listen and support, in a confidential way.
The ombudspersons are a general contact point for conflicts that cannot be solved by direct communication and for reporting suspected illegal actions. The ombuds office offers advice on the following topics: Workplace conflicts and conflicts involving instructors • Whistle blowing in case of suspected illegal action by members of ETH Zurich.
The confidants can help you with issues concerning research integrity and scientific misconduct. The confidants serve as contact persons for all questions of research integrity. Some examples include: Authorship conflicts Suspected plagiarism in scientific publications • Falsification and fabrication of data • Problems with sharing data or handing them over when leaving ETH Zurich • Conflicts of interest
A Selection of Empowering Reads at Your Disposal

500 Women Scientists Zürich Pod
Check out the list of inspiring reads curated by our sisters-in-action from the 500WS Zürich Pod.